First bond sale authorized
Posted on 09/26/2023
(SPS) -- On Tuesday, September 26, 2023, following the passage of the Chieftain Stronger Bond 2023 proposal, Sapulpa Public Schools Board of Education approved a resolution to authorize the first sale of the District's General Obligation Building Bonds, Series 2023B, which are part of the bond package.

The first General Obligation Building Bond (GO Bond) will be $3,460,000. The board will receive sealed electronic bids through 9 a.m. on October 25, 2023. At noon on October 25, 2023, the bond will be sold to the bidder with the lowest interest rate.

The funding will be used toward schematic design and design development of the new Sapulpa High School Complex and design development for the baseball and softball complex at West Side Sports Complex.

Read the resolution.